
"Have it,"  "Ave it,"   "Avit," however you write it, it basically says exactly what it means.  Avit is a proactive, forward thinking, home-grown urban sportswear brand with a name that hails from its London roots and revels in its cultural diversity.    


Regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality or nationality, Avit caters to the innovators the motivators, the go getters who want to wear Avit clothing because they want the whole world to know that they are "Avin' it"... 


Avit is an organically grown company founded and developed with major effort and minimal investment. Avit has a long history of being a socially responsible clothing brand always willing to support urban talent and urban enterprise and for reasons that greatly differ from the publicity and promotional motives that usually follow corporate interest and investment.  


For Avit, it's less a question of what we do and and more a question of why we are doing it?...


We will revel more about the history of Avit clothing over the coming weeks...